April 15,2011

In the Final Stretch

Posted by Sara Smith

Smiley face

The first seder is on Monday night. In preparation for Passover, I've been busy turning my house inside out, shlepping boxes, cleaning my car, and taking out all my Passover dishes. Meanwhile, Haggadot.com has been buzzing with activity. The variety of content on our site continues to grow and surprise me.  Here's just a sampling of the content submitted this week:


B'chol Lashon contributed recipes, customs, and more revolving around the Global seder. Fair Trade Judaica shared readings relating to Fair Trade and how it can be incorporated into the seder. The Congress of Secular Jewish Organization posted their haggadah. Rabbi Scott Gurdin shared his Rhyming Haggadah, great for kids of all ages and those young at heart. Sue Kayton posted her Monty Python Haggadah. And artist Beth Flusser shared her beautiful Passover-related pieces.


We've also received some great press recently. Check out some of the articles:

-  Jewcy.com: http://bit.ly/gmGWm3

- eJewish Philanthropy: http://bit.ly/gAlLOz

- The Jewish Week: http://bit.ly/hBWfuz

- The Forward: http://bit.ly/hP4wxS


There are just a few days left to create your own personalized haggadah. Keep checking back for new content!