Leader: As we conclude our Seder this evening, we draw our attention to the final item on our Seder plate. The zeroah (shank bone), which literally means “arm,” reminds us of the “outstretched arm” with which God brought the Israelite people out of slavery in Egypt.26

Jewish tradition teaches us that we are God’s partners in the continual act of creating a more just world in which all human beings are treated with dignity and compassion. As we recall the strength that God extended to the Jewish people in the season of our escape from oppression, we extend our arms to embrace those in our world still experiencing persecution because of who they are.

May tonight’s Seder inspire each of us to take action on behalf of today’s refugees and asylum seekers, as we join and strengthen the Jewish response to the global refugee crisis at this critical moment in history.

haggadah Section: Hallel
Source: HIAS Haggadah 2019