Whether winter is coming or just immediately past, raise a glass that — as is always the case for Tyrion Lannister — merely the first of many. You will drink until you cannot remember who rules from the Iron Throne, until you're rooting for romantic tension between a brother and sister, until you're convinced that, sure, you could control those dragons because you're really good with animals.

When the night is dark and full of terrors, what is a hero? One who does what must be done? Or who stays out of an unjust fight? You can't solve the world's conundra today, but in this first cup, be your own hero, and get in touch with all of the things that make you, you: you're well-read, you're living a life of relative privilege, and people underestimate you at their peril. By cup #4, you will be like Jon Snow, and know nothing. But here, now, you know it all, like Tyrion, even if no one listens to you. Replenish your flagon; but stay far from dragons.

[Image source: GIPHY]

haggadah Section: Urchatz
Source: Esther Kustanowitz