Blessed God of our ancestors,

beginning the chain of work,

we give thanks:

For the portion of dough we take off the challah

before we bake it in order to sustain

high priests, artists and those who are in need;

For the seed and the earth and the rain

and the sun and the farmer and the picker

and the miller and the baker

and the trucker and the packager

and the store owner and the grocery checker

and the shopper and the cook

and the waiter and waitress

and those who will clean up after us,

for those who brought us this food that we bless together;

For the scientists and activists

and the teachers and the learners

and the new farmers and the leaders

who work to help us heal this earth, our home;

For all those who work to sustain us

For all those who work for sustainability.

Baruch atah Adonai Eloheinu

Melech Ha’olam Brucha at Shechina,

Ruach Ha’olam

Blessed One-ness,

HaMotzi Lechem Min HaEretz.


haggadah Section: Motzi-Matzah