As we begin retelling the story of our redemption, we take the three pieces of matzah before us, remove the center piece, and split it in half. We eat the first half at the beginning of the Seder and hide the other half, which serves as the afikoman we eat at the conclusion of the Seder. It is worth noting the bread of slavery consumed at the beginning of the Seder and the bread of freedom we eat at the end of the Seder both come from the same piece of matzah.

Sometimes the difference between the things that cause us pain and those that give us pleasure is simply a matter of perspective. When seen through the lens of miraculous redemption and a recognition of the larger picture of our path to freedom, the bread of slavery transforms into the bread of freedom it was always intended to become. We must also remember — or hope — the potential for recovery isinside of us, waiting to be recognized or — like the afikomen — found.

Prompt: What experience in your own life caused you pain but, in hindsight, can be seen as a blessing? Or, if you currently find yourself in the midst of a painful experience, can you try to identify one positive aspect or lesson you can learn from it?

From the Mental Health Passover Seder Companion by The Blue Dove Foundation

haggadah Section: Yachatz