
In the beginning of our seder, we compared hiding the afikomen to hid-ng parts of ourselves. While hiding sometimes has its purpose, the Passover meal is never complete until we find the afikomen. The story of freedom is never complete until we find that which is hidden. In our personal struggles as LGBT+ people, often our only true redemption can be found when we come out of hiding.


Search for the hidden afikomen. This is the last food eaten during the seder. The taste remains in our mouths while we re-live the remainder of the Exodus from Egypt. As our dessert, it marks the end of the meal, but not the end of the seder process, or the process of tikkun olam, repairing the world. The story continues, as does oppression and the fight against it. As we learn from our discussion of the ten plagues, freedom is not the end of the struggle for liberation; it is the beginning.

haggadah Section: Tzafun