5. Fearful that Pharaoh would change his mind, our people fled, not waiting for their bread dough to rise. (For this reason we eat unleavened bread as we take part in their journey.) Our people did not leave Egypt alone; a “mixed multitude” went with them. From this we learn that liberation is not for us alone, but for all the nations of the earth. Even Pharaoh’s daughter came with us, and traded her old title (bat-Pharaoh, daughter of Pharaoh) for the name Batya, “daughter of God.”

6. Pharaoh’s army followed us to the Red Sea. We plunged into the waters. Only when we had gone as far as we could did the waters part for us. We were saved.

7. To this day we relive our liberation, that we may not become complacent, that we may always rejoice in our freedom.

haggadah Section: -- Ten Plagues