On this night we dip bitter herbs in salt water to remember the tears of those enslaved in by Pharaoh in Egypt, and we dip in the choroses to remember the motar holding the blocks of stone in the forced building of the Pryamids.  We also dip twice, first in salt water to remember the tears of the Jews in Europe who were sent to the concentration and  death camps  in Europe, as wells as the tears of African-American mothers who watched their husbands and sons being lynched and castrated in the Jim Crow South, and the tears of the thousands of Japanese-Americans who were relocated and incarcerated in concentration camps in the Western interior of the county, We also remember  the  Trail of Tears in which 16,000 Native Americans died of disease, famine and warfare;  and second in the choroses to remember the motar holding the brick walls surrounding the Warshaw Ghetto and the walls of Auschwitz  and the other concentration and extermination camps throughout Europe.  

haggadah Section: -- Four Questions