We might think the most basic encapsulation of the haggadah is in the simple song that comes right after the Four Questions: "Avadim hayenu. Atah b'nei chorin. We were slaves and now we are free." But as adults, we know that “now we are free” is an oversimplification. We are trapped in so many overlapping oppressive systems. Indeed, at the end of the avadim hayinu paragraph, the haggadah offers us an alternative thesis statement, inviting us to go beyond the basics:  "The more we expand the telling of the Exodus, the more praiseworthy." The more we expand our perspective to include diverse liberation struggles and the action needed to bring them to fruition, the better. With this in mind, we now sing Avadim Hayenu.

עבדים היינו, היינו

עתה בני חורין, בני חורין

עבדים היינו

עתה, עתה בני חורין

עבדים היינו

עתה עתה בני חורין

בני חורין.

עתה עתה בני חורין

בני חורין.

Avadim hayinu, hayinu

Atah b'nai chorin, b'nai chorin

Avadim hayinu

Atah, atah b'nai chorin

Avadim hayinu

Atah, atah b'nai chorin

B'nai chorin

Atah, atah b'nai chorin

B'nai chorin.


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