Blessing for the full Rainbow of Our Community

It is a custom of many families before the Kiddush at the Shabbat Seder to offer a blessing for the children. Tonight we’d like to offer a blessing for everyone here tonight. You’ll notice that on the Seder plate there is a selection of rainbow ribbons

 • Please take one length of ribbon.

• Choose a neighbor at your table to share your blessing with.

• Wrap one end of the ribbon around your right forefinger. Leave a long tail for your neighbor to hold.

• Stand and face your neighbor and connect by each of you taking hold of the tail end of the other’s ribbon. Each of you will have a chance to bless the other.

Who can look directly into the light? We can only behold a small portion — a fragment of the light.
And when that One Light is fragmented, the colors of the rainbow result.
So let us give thanks for all the colors that are ours. For those colors we love, and those with which
we are not so comfortable, within ourselves and others. All of them are a part of the One Light we
are all bathed in, the One Light that is the fountain of our life.

Each Partner Blesses The Other in Turn:
May God give you the blessings of the light of our ancestors, and may the Holy One help you find the courage to bring all the colors of your own light out into the world.

Barukh atah Adonai eloheynu melekh ha’olam m’shaneh ha-b’ri-ot
Blessed is the One, our God, Sovereign of the Universe, who has made
all creatures different.

All together:
Ki imkha m’kor ha-yim b’or-kha nir-eh or
With You is the fountain of life, in Your light we are bathed in light.

haggadah Section: Introduction