Shulchan Orech שֻׁלְחָן עוֹרֵךְ : LET US EAT!

It's time to eat the festive meal... or whatever you have to be a meal!

The Meal (adapted from East Bay Meditation Center) 

This food is a gift of the earth, the sky, numerous living beings and much hard work.
We acknowledge the labor of the workers who grew, harvested, packaged, transported and prepared this food, who often work for low wages in harmful conditions.
May we commit ourselves to standing for workers’ rights and standing together for the rights of workers everywhere to organize. May we eat with mindfulness and may we learn to consume mindfully.
May we keep our compassion alive by eating in such a way that we reduce the suffering of living beings and preserves the planet.
We accept this food so that we may nurture ourselves, strengthen our community and nourish our commitment to action.

Source: Legacies of Resistance: An Anti-Zionist Haggadah for a Liberation Seder

haggadah Section: Shulchan Oreich