On the Seder table we have placed a Cup of Wine for the prophet Elijah and a Cup of Water for the prophet Miriam. We do not consume this water or wine, but open the door and invite in Miriam and Elijah.

Elijah’s Cup:

In the ninth century B. C. E. a farmer arose to challenge the domination of the ruling elite. In his tireless and passionate advocacy on behalf of the common people, and his ceaseless exposure of the corruption and waste of the court, Elijah sparked a movement and created a legend which would inspire people for generations to come.

Before he died, Elijah declared that he would return once each generation in the guise of any poor or oppressed person, coming to people’s doors to see how he would be treated. By the treatment offered him, he would know whether the population had reached a level of humanity worthy of the coming of the Messiah. While some think of the literal coming of the Messiah, others translate it to mean the realization of our full humanity through creating a world in which justice and human dignity is the basis for society. 

Miriam's Cup:

The story has always been told of a miraculous well of living water, which has accompanied the Jewish people since the world was spoken into being. The well comes and goes, as it is needed, and as we remember, forget, and remember again how to call it to us. In the time of the exodus from Mitzrayim, the well came to Miriam, in honor of her courage and action, and stayed with the Hebrews as they wandered the desert. Upon Miriam’s death, the well again disappeared. With this ritual of Miriam’s cup we honor the role of women in our collective survival, resilience and liberation.


Eliyahu ha-navi, Eliyahu ha-tishbi

Eliyahu, Eliyahu, Eliyahu ha-giladi

Bimheyra b’yameynu, Yahvoh eleynu

Im mashiakh ben David, Im mashiakh ben David

Elijah the prophet

Elijah of Tishbe

Elijah of Gilead

In haste and in our days may he come to us with the Messiah son of David, daughter of Sarah

haggadah Section: