The Cup of Elijah

The same person asks:

Will someone else teach us about Elijah and Miriam?

A new person says:

Elijah is the champion of the oppressed. He brings hope, cheer, and relief to the downtrodden. There is a legend that Elijah visits every Seder to wish everyone a year of peace and freedom. He is the harbinger of good tidings and peace. He will foretell the coming of the Messiah. 

As we confront the injustice of this world, may we be like Elijah, who in defense of justice, spoke truth to power. Jewish legends recall the mystical appearance of Elijah in times of trouble, to promise relief and redemption, to lift downcast spirits and to plant hope in the hearts of the downtrodden. Will someone else please continue reading? 

A new person says:

The story has been told of a miraculous well of living water which had accompanied the Jewish people since the world was spoken into being. The well comes and goes, as it is needed, and as we remember, forget, and remember again how to call it to us. In the time of the exodus from Mitzrayim, the well came to Miriam, in honor of her courage and action, and stayed with the Jews as they wandered the desert. Upon Miriam’s death, the well again disappeared.  Will someone else please continue reading?

A new person says:

At the seder tonight we have two extra cups, one of wine and one of water. 

It is the women of our story who make its unfolding possible. Shifrah and Puah, the midwives who disobey Pharaoh's order to kill all newborn boys; Yocheved and Miriam, the mother and sister of Moses; Pharaoh's daughter who rescues Moses from the Nile. Pharaoh pays little mind to the women, yet it is their daring actions that began it all. It is because of them that we are here tonight; it is because of them that we are able to thank God for our freedom, just as Miriam led us in song to God after we crossed through the parted waters. 

With this ritual of Miriam’s cup of water, we honor all Jewish women. We commit ourselves to transforming all of our cultures into loving, welcoming spaces for people of all genders. 

May all who are hungry to come and eat. May Elijah the Prophet come soon and in our time, ushering in the Messianic Age.

haggadah Section: Bareich