Welcome to our Multimedia Seder. For many years we have created our own Hagadah. It has been a combination of fun and an attempt to personalize the Seder. Multimedia has been added in order to make the experience even more enriching and engaging.

We are gathering tonight with family and friends as the Jewish people have done for generations. Tonight we will go through an order, a seder, filled with learning and fun. We will sing the same songs as other Jews did long ago. We will tell the story of the exodus from Egypt. While our seder may not be exactly the same, we join other Jewish chavurahs and families in the seder.

Everyone:  Tonight we come together to as free people, but long ago we were not. Tonight we are free, but there are still others in this world that are slaves.Why do we tell the story of the exodus from Egypt? So we do not forget that once we were not free. The Baal Shem Tov said, "Forgetting leads to exile, while remembering is the secret to being free."

Speaking about family...

haggadah Section: Introduction