We are commanded to teach our children about Passover. Over the years, we traditionally say that there are 4 different types of children (therapists might disagree) and that each child will react differently to the telling of the story.

READER: The wise child asks: How can I learn more about our people? To that child you shall direct our wealth of literature so that they may seek out this knowledge for themself.

READER: The simple child asks: What is this all about? To that child you shall say simply , because we had faith we were redeemed from slavery.

READER: The wicked child asks: What good is this to you? To that child you shall say, do not exclude yourself by saying "to you" but say instead "to us", for only together can we succeed.

READER: The innocent child does not know how to ask. For this child you shall tell them that we were taken out of Egypt so that we could be free.

Tonight , in an effort to be all inclusive, we've added a few extra children.

The gluten intolerant child might ask, "What does this holiday mean to me? - Moses, what were you thinking? An entire holiday dedicated to something that might kill me? Everyone knows Jews have sensitive stomachs?"

The Gen Y child might ask: "What does this holiday mean to me? "When I played AYSO soccer, we learned that everyone is a winner, everyone gets a trophy. Obviously, that was a crock!  Look at Pharaoh and the Egyptians. Where's their trophy?

The Atheist child might say: You already know what I'm going to say. Fake news!

haggadah Section: -- Four Children