Ron Arad, Zachary Baumel, Tzvi Feldman, Yehuda Katz.
These are the names of four Israeli sons who cannot be at our seder table this year. Since they cannot ask their questions at our table, we must all ask four more questions for them at our seder this year.
1) Why are these sons different from all other sons?
While fighting for their people and the security of the State of Israel, these sons, soldiers in the Israel Defense Forces, were captured.
2) Why are these prisoners different from all other prisoners?
These missing soldiers have been denied the basic human rights guaranteed by international law. They have been treated as hostages rather than as prisoners of war and have been denied any form of contact with their families, or with any Israeli or international human rights organizations.
3) Why are these hostages different from all other hostages?
These sons are being held hostage years after international efforts have secured the release of all the other Western hostages who were held in Lebanon. In spite of Israel's aid in securing the release of the other Western hostages, the Israeli hostages were not included with the release of the others. The Arab governments refuse to divulge any information about the conditions under which they are being held. The pain and anxiety that their families and friends are undergoing is immeasurable.
4) Why do we raise the issue of soldiers who are Missing-In-Action at the Seder on Passover?
They are being held prisoner and not allowed their freedom. Passover, the Festival of freedom, reminds us that only those who remember enslavement can fully appreciate their freedom. Israel is still fighting for the release of their soldiers, and we must do all that we can in order to help. We must do all we can to implore our elected officials to fight for the return of these four sons. We earnestly request world leaders to seek the mortal core of humanity, to transcend political differences and in the name of the parents and families of the missing young soldiers, "FREE OUR SONS!"
Born: May 5, 1958 Birthplace: Israel
Parents: Batya & Dov (Deceased) Wife: Tami
Child: Yuval (Daughter) Captured: October 16, 1986
Last Contact: October, 1987 Status: Prisoner of War
Last known to be held by Muslim Extremists
Born: November 17, 1960 Birthplace: United States
Parents: Miriam & Yona Captured: June 11, 1982
NO CONTACT  Status: Missing In Action
Born: December 29, 1956 Birthplace: Israel
Parents: Penina & Avraham Captured: June 11, 1982
NO CONTACT Status: Missing In Action
Born: July 18, 1959 Birthplace: Israel
Parents: Sara & Joseph  Captured: June 11, 1982
NO CONTACT  Status: Missing In Action

haggadah Section: -- Four Children
Source: Foundation for Family Education, Inc.