How is Schitt’s Creek different from all other creeks? (Dawson's Creek, Up on Cripple Creek, Shoal Creek, etc.)

How is the premise of Schitt's Creek different from the premise of Arrested Development? (Pretty similar but: Thank Dan Levy! that homophobic comedy plays no role in Schitt's Creek.)

What does it mean to Fold In the Cheese? Have you ever Folded In the cheese?

What was so special about the Elmdalian chocolate cake for Moira's unsurprise party? And do adults really need candles on their birthday cake?

Where is the balance between bending yourself to meet people’s expectations vs. being yourself other people be damned?

Which kind of wine do you prefer - red or white? Have you sampled the rose? Does it really matter? (David Rose likes "the wine, not the label.")

How many times does one need to ask before receiving a fresh towel? (Thrice. The answer is thrice.)

How is it that Alexis is always herself no matter what?  Where does her self-confidence come from?

How money help or hinder developing real connections? For example, why do you think Twyla didn't tell Alexis about winning the lottery? (AND how did these chatty small town folks NOT know? OR did everyone know but the Roses?)

Does anyone else think that Ted + Twyla would have been a good couple?

Why did they make the Jewish parent be the one who misses Christmas?

haggadah Section: -- Four Questions