Coming through the sea was only the beginning.

The giddiness of walking through walls of living water...

But the story doesn’t end there.

Now it’s desert, without a map.

What if the next forty years are bone-dry and desolate?

Maybe it wasn’t so bad, that life numb and familiar.

Cucumbers and fish fresh from the Nile.

Certainty: a fixed path.

Now hope unfolds its mighty wings and every step risks failure.

When I falter, remind me I didn’t cross the sea alone.

Remind me there’s a mountain I’m heading toward,

a promise that spans lifetimes of becoming, together, with you.

בָּ רוֹּךְ אַתָּ ה יי גָּאַל יִשְ ׂרָאֵל

Baruch atah YHVH ga’al Yisrael.

Blessed are You, YHVH, redeemer of Israel.

haggadah Section: Conclusion, Commentary / Readings