Karpas - The Green Vegetable

We must first start with why we are remembering this period of time. Passover is many things. It is a festival of freedom when we recall how God delivered our ancestors from slavery in Egypt, and helped them return to their homeland.

Passover is especially a holiday for our children. Our ancestors were instructed “you shall tell it to your children...”  Tonight is meant for the children, to teach them the great importance of this holiday and the history of the Jewish people.

Passover is an Agricultural festival, reminding us of the land of Israel and of the first and second temples. In those days, our ancestors were farmers, working the soil for their livelihood. Passover marks the beginning of the grain harvest.

Karpas serves as a symbol of the wonderful bounty of vegetables and fruits in the springtime harvest and the miracle of nature's renewal. It is a time of hope and the green vegetable reminds us that it was springtime when the Jewish people were freed from slavery. We dip the green vegetable into saltwater, which reminds us of the tears of those who are not free.

Before we eat the parsley, we all say the blessing for vegetables.

Baruch Atah Adonai Eloheinu Melech ha'olam borei p'ri ha'adamah.

Thank you God for the vegetables that grow in the ground.

Dip the parsley into the salt water and eat it.

haggadah Section: Karpas