(The political and religious conditions for the Jews and for others who are oppressed have changed so quickly in our world. Discuss with the Seder participants how relevant this reading still is today and why it is or is not still necessary)
(A fourth Matzah is added to the traditional three on the main Seder place and the following prayer is recited after
"HA LACHMA ANYA" at the beginning of the Seder).
     This Is The Matzah of Hope: This matzah, which we set aside as a symbol of hope, for the three million Jews of the Soviet Union, reminds us of the indestructible link that exists between us.  As we observe this festival of freedom, we know that Soviet Jews are not free to learn of their Jewish past, to hand it down to their children. They cannot learn the languages of their fathers. They cannot teach their children to be the teachers, the rabbis of future generations.
     They can only sit in silence and become invisible. We shall be their voice, and our voices shall be joined by thousands of men of conscience aroused by the wrongs suffered by Soviet Jews. Then shall they know that they have not been forgotten and they that sit in darkness shall yet see a great light.

haggadah Section: Introduction
Source: Foundation for Family Education, Inc.