May all be fed, may all be nourished, and may all be loved.

Each cup we raise this night is an act of memory and of reverence. The story we tell, this year as every year, is not yet done. It begins with them, then; it continues with us, now. We remember not out of curiosity or nostalgia, but because it is our turn to add to the story. As it is written in Pirke Avot, a collection of rabbinic wisdom: “It is not incumbent upon us to finish the task, but neither may we refrain from beginning it.”

And then all that has divided us will merge

And then compassion will be wedded to power

And then softness will come to a world that is harsh and unkind 

And then all human beings will be gentle

And then all human beings will be strong

And then all will live in harmony with each other and the earth

And then everywhere will be called Eden once again.

(—adapted from Judy Chicago)

ְלָשָׁנה ַהָבָּאה ִבּירוָּשָׁלִים!

L'shanah ha-ba'ah b'Yerushalayim!



haggadah Section: Nirtzah