How do you relate to nature in the world? Ask yourself this question, and think about the different ways you interact with nature in your daily life. How does nature support you? Are there any ways in which you are supporting nature? 

And, how has your relationship with nature changed over the past few years? Have you observed or experienced shifts in weather such as stronger storms or blizzards, wildfires, or smoke? Thinking about this may bring up strong feelings such as grief, helplessness, anger, or confusion. 

It’s okay to feel those feelings, and it’s also okay to feel nothing. These feelings, and even the lack of them, protect your humanity. It’s natural to be upset, and there is only so much we can feel at one time. If feelings do come up, try giving them a little bit of space by witnessing and thanking them or processing them in a journal before moving on. 

Next, take some time on a nice day to find a peaceful spot in nature, whether your garden, a public park, or even a local tree on your block. What do you know about this space? Do you have a relationship with this spot, or is this your first time visiting? 

Spend a moment or two just taking in the beauty of this place, and when you feel ready, say the following blessing:

Baruch atah Adonai, Eloheinu melech haolam, shekacha lo beolamo. 

We praise you, Eternal God, Sovereign of the universe, that such as these are in your world. 

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