Another perspective on the four cups of wine.

Often when we pour the wine we are concentrating on giving each person at the seder the kind of wine they want - red or white, sweet or dry. The pouring of the wine becomes a distraction, an interruption. We lose the moment to use this opportunity to recognize and appreciate the blessings and joy in our lives.

As the wine is poured, think about the following words from Psalm 23 - "Kosi R'vayah," - "my cup runneth over" or "my cup is overflowing." By meditating for a minute on our blessings and good fortune we are calmed. We enhance the seder experience.

In this way the pouring of the wine and the moment of contemplation of joy and blessings create a beautiful ritual  and become an integral part of the seder.

See to hear more about this perspective

haggadah Section: Kadesh