The first two stages of the Pesach Seder are Kadesh, Urchatz, which can mean “Sanctify (yourself) then wash your hands.” The Shem MiShmuel wonders why this order of events is reversed from the typical way that we achieve sanctity and holiness and come closer to Hashem. Usually we “wash” ourselves of our sins, and only after that can make ourselves holy. The Shem Mishmuel answers that on Pesach, Hashem took the Jewish people out of Mitzrayim, even though many of them were not yet on the level to deserve being redeemed. Hashem allowed the Jewish people to “skip” to the highest level and be redeemed from Mitzrayim. So too, at the Pesach Seder, we are able to achieve the highest levels of Kedusha even before we do Urchatz. It wasn’t only Hashem that “passed over” on Pesach, at the Seder we have the ability to “pass over” the middle stages and achieve the highest levels of Avodat Hashem. 

haggadah Section: Urchatz