Go Down, Moses

Verse 2

We need not always weep and mourn,

Let my people go!

And wear these slav’ry chains forlorn,

Let my people go!


Verse 3

No more shall they in bondage toil,

Let my people go!

He led them all to freedom’s soil,

Let my people go!



It would have been enough

The complete lyrics to Dayenu tell the entire story of the Exodus from Egypt as a series of miracles God performed for us.

Five Stanzas of Leaving Slavery

1) If He had brought us out of Egypt.
2) If He had executed justice upon the Egyptians.
3) If He had executed justice upon their gods.
4) If He had slain their first-born.
5) If He had given to us their health and wealth.

Five Stanzas of Miracles

6) If He had split the sea for us.
7) If He had led us through on dry land.
8) If He had drowned our oppressors.
9) If He had provided for our needs in the wilderness for 40 years.
10) If He had fed us manna.


Five Stanzas of Being With God

11) If He had given us Shabbat.
12) If He had led us to Mount Sinai.
13) If He had given us the Torah.
14) If He had brought us into the Land of Israel.
15) If He built the Temple for us.

haggadah Section: Songs