The famous water experiments by Dr. Masaru Emoto combined the scientific method with the spiritual laws of the universe. Dr. Emoto tested how thoughtful intention, words, music and meditation could influence the structure of water crystals - ultimately proving the affect of positive intention vs negative or chaotic conditions on the properties of water. The first image shows contaminated water from Fujiwara Dam and the second image shows the same water sample after meditation and prayer were directed at the water. Notice the chaotic and clearly troubled water in the first image and then the symmetry and beauty presented in the second sample, where the water can reflect the positive energy in its own structure. These experiments remind us of our own innate power and how we present that to the world around us. In this case, water, the most precious substance on Earth, can reflect our love and positive intentions through its own alchemical transformation; a precious mirror, reminding us of our own ability to love and to heal, or to neglect and destroy. So let's be thankful for the abundance of water in our lives and acknowledge the role we play in the water cycle on this Earth, offering praise and thanks to this essential component of our world, body, and community. Amen.

haggadah Section: Urchatz