We are always whole. We are always one yet through false identification with our instruments of body and mind, a sense of Ego arises. We forget our true divine nature and suffer. Yachatz (parting the one into two) symbolizes the journey of self-discovery and self-remembrance. As separate individuals, we are like the broken matzah, yearning to unite with the missing portion of ourselves and be whole and complete again. Not knowing where we lost it, we embark on a journey of self-discovery that takes us from separation to unity.

It is customary that children look for the hidden portion of the Afikomen which tells us that only the child, the innocent, the pure within us can recognize the truth and guide us back home to our divine Self. Eventually when the Afikoman is found the one who finds it receives gifts. When the real Afikoman is found one receives the gifts of everlasting bliss, peace, joy, unconditional love, and Self-realization.

haggadah Section: Yachatz