“The choices made by women in the course of their domestic lives determine the destiny of the entire people,” Tikvah Frymer-Kensky, z”l writes. “Acting in their routine roles as midwives, mothers, daughters, and wives, women become the saviors of early Israel.”

Women are pivotal to the creation of the Seder experience and to the Exodus from Egypt and yet, we are invisible in the Haggadah. Tonight, we gather to right this wrong and to discover the hidden and the invisible. We reclaim six special foremothers, speak their names, learn their stories and celebrate their courage and strength. Without them, we would not have been redeemed from Egypt, from the Narrow Place and our People's history and our own, would have been very different.

haggadah Section: Introduction
Source: Reading Women of the Bible by Tikvah Frymer-Kensky