Dayenu- English Version

Had He brought all, brought all of us, brought all of us out from Egypt, then it would have been enough. Oh, dayenu.

Had he judged just the Egyptians, just Egyptians not their idols, then it would have been enough.Oh, dayenu.

Had he destroyed all the idols, and not smitten their first-born son, then it would have been enough. Oh, dayenu.

Had he smitten their first-born son, but not given us their wealth too, then it would have been enough. Oh, dayenu.

Had he given us just their wealth, just their wealth and not split the sea, then it would have been enough. Oh, dayenu.

Had he just split, just split the sea, but not taken us on dry land, then it would have been enough. Oh, dayenu.

Had he taken us on dry land, but not drowned all our oppressors, then it would have been enough. Oh, dayenu.

Had he drowned all our oppressors, but not supplied our needs for years, then it would have been enough. Oh, dayenu.

Had he just supplied for our needs, but not given us the manna, then it would have been enough. Oh, dayenu.

Had he just fed us the manna, but not given us the shabbat, then it would have been enough. Oh, dayenu.

Had he just gave us the Shabbat, but not brought us to the mountain, then it would have been enough. Oh, dayenu.

Had he brought us to Sinai, but not given us the Torah, then it would have been enough. Oh, dayenu.

Had he given us the Torah, but not bring us into the land, then it would have been enough. Oh, dayenu.

haggadah Section: -- Cup #2 & Dayenu