Leader reads aloud:

The Passover Seder plate is one of the oldest symbolic representations of the Jewish people’s historic refugee experience. From dipping green vegetables into salt water in order to recall the salty tears cried by our Israelite ancestors as they endured slavery to the hope for renewal and rebirth symbolized by the round egg, each item on the plate articulates a key component of our Israelite ancestors’ difficult journey from oppression to freedom.

In the face of unprecedented efforts to limit refugees’ ability to seek safety in the United States – even as more people are displaced by violence and persecution than ever before – these powerful symbols of both the unimaginable su ering and the boundless resilience and hope of refugees feel particularly poignant. This Passover, let us consider these symbols in the context of the contemporary refugee crisis, discuss our connections to this important issue, and rise from our Seder tables committed to ensuring that refugees worldwide find a safe place to call home.


After the leader reads the introduction to the Haggadah supplement, either walk with your guests to the front door or have one guest rise from the table and walk to the front door. There, place a pair of shoes on the doorstep and read the words below.


The heart of the Passover Seder tells the story of the Jewish people’s exodus from slavery in Egypt. During the retelling of this story, we say the words ֲאַר ִּמי אֵֹבד ָא ִבי“, ( Arami oved avi ).” This phrase is sometimes translated as “My father was a wandering Aramean” and other times as “An Aramean sought to destroy my father.” Somewhere between the two translations lies the essence of the Jewish experience: a rootless people who have fled persecution time and time again.

Now we will recite the words “Arami oved avi” as we retell the story of our people’s exodus from Egypt. These words acknowledge that we have stood in the shoes of the refugee. Today, as we celebrate our freedom, we commit ourselves to continuing to stand with contemporary refugees. In honor of this commitment, we place a pair of shoes on the doorstep of our home to acknowledge that none of us is free until all of us are free and to pledge to stand in support of welcoming those who do not yet have a place to call home.

All: “Arami oved avi” 

haggadah Section: Introduction