Whose story do we tell on this night?

1. We tell the story of Avraham, the first to know Adonai. We learn of his son Yitzhak who begot Yaakov and wrestled with G-d, giving him the name Israel.

2. We tell the story of Yosef and his eleven brothers jealous of his insight and wisdom who left him for dead. We learn of how he rose from nothing to the rank of Grand Adviser to the Pharaoh of Egypt for his astounding ability to interpret dreams for the good of all people. Solomon before Solomon. Freud before freud.

3. We tell the story of the Egyptians who forgot about Yosef and his saving wisdom. When the Hebrews came seeking refuge from hardship, the Egyptians became scared and their fear made them cruel and greedy. We tell the story of the mighty few enslaving the helpless many.

We tell the story of their Pharaoh who ordered the first born of every Jewish household be killed because we were many. We tell the story of his hardening heart and his refusal to do justice to the oppressed and how that cost him everything. We tell the story of the people who fell to ruin because of their blindness to suffering, a crime against Adonai.


4. We tell the story of Miriam, a brave spy who protected her baby brother, hidden from the clutches of the Egyptians who wanted him dead. We tell the story of this woman of valor who led the women of Israel alongside her kin.

We tell the story of Aharon, the first Cohen and loyal leader in the Jewish fight for freedom. It was he who spoke for his brother who could not and became the true voice of our people.

5. We tell the story of Moshe the man born into luxury and power who cast it all aside when he saw the injustice of the world and the enslavement of his people. We learn of his search for answers in the desert and how Adonai spoke to him through a flaming shrub that miraculously did not burn. We tell the story of our greatest prophet who demanded “Let My People Go!” and led our people out from Egypt after delivering plagues and parting the seas in order to punish those who had wronged us and the Almighty.

6. Whose story do we tell on this night? Our own, the Jewish people, who exist today with rich tradition, beautiful culture, and the constant reminder to fight oppression and misfortune. We tell the story of the pursuit of happiness for all.

Tonight is another page in the Book of Life, all of us writing new chapters in our own stories and for that we celebrate.

Question: Reading stories is so important to the Jewish people (and everybody, really). From Abraham to Harry Potter, what are your favourite stories?



Question: Despite the great success many Jewish people have found since, how often does it really hit you that your ancestors were once slaves? When you think about the history of America, seeing how the slaves that built it have not reached our level of success and freedom, how does that make you feel?

Question: Mythologist Joseph Campbell once said, "A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself." What do you think makes a hero?

haggadah Section: -- Exodus Story