The literal translation of seder is order. One interesting observation discussed by great rabbis for generations is that, since the word "seder" means "order," when we discuss the order of the seder we are actually opening with the order of the order.  This is especially interesting since the Passover Seder is, in practice, anything but orderly.  

1) Kadesh- Sanctification

2) Urkhatz- Washing the Hands 

3) Karpas - Eating of the Greens

4) Yakhatz- Breaking of the Matzah

5) Maggid- Telling the Story

6) Rakhatz – Wash your hands again, follow up with Purel

7/8) Motzi v'Matzah- Say thanks for the cracker, eat the cracker

9) Maror- Tasting the bitter herb and clearing the sinuses

10) Koreykh - A Reminder of the Temple and Hillel's hot new sandwich

11) Shulkhan Oreykh - The Passover Meal

12) Tzafun - DIY Afikomen search followed by eating the afikomen

13) Bareykh - Grace after meal

14) Hallel - Psalms of Praise

15) Nirtzah- Closing the Service and Singing Loudly out of Key

haggadah Section: Introduction