Let My People Go

“When Israel was in Egypt land, let my people go”

“Oppressed so hard they could not stand, let my people go”

Go down, Moses, way down in Egypt land

Tell old Pharaoh, let my people go

“Thus saith the Lord,” bold Moses said, “Let my people go”

“If not I’ll smite your firstborn dead, let my people go”

Go down, Moses, way down in Egypt land

Tell old Pharaoh, let my people go

“No more shall they in bondage toil, let my people go”

“Let them come out with Egypt’s spoils, let my people go”

Go down, Moses, way down in Egypt land

Tell old Pharaoh, let my people go

“When people stop this slavery, let my people go”

“Soon may all the earth be free, let my people go”

Go down, Moses, way down in Egypt land

Tell old Pharaoh, let my people go

Chad Gadya

Chad gadya, chad gadya

My father bought for two zuzim

Chad gadya, chad gadya

Then came the cat that ate the kid

My father bought for two zuzim

Chad gadya, chad gadya

Then came the dog that bit the cat

That ate the kid

My father bought for two zuzim

Chad gadya, chad gadya

Then came the stick that beat the dog

That bit the cat

That ate the kid

My father bought for two zuzim

Chad gadya, chad gadya

Then came the fire that burnt the stick

That beat the dog

That bit the cat

That ate the kid

My father bought for two zuzim

Chad gadya, chad gadya

Then came the water that quenched the fire

That burnt the stick

That beat the dog

That bit the cat

That ate the kid

My father bought for two zuzim

Chad gadya, chad gadya

Then came the ox that drank the water

That quenched the fire

That burnt the stick

That beat the dog

That bit the cat

That ate the kid

My father bought for two zuzim

Chad gadya, chad gadya

Then came the butcher that killed the ox

That drank the water

That quenched the fire

That burnt the stick

That beat the dog

That bit the cat

That ate the kid

My father bought for two zuzim

Chad gadya, chad gadya

Then came the Angel of Death

Who slayed the butcher that killed the ox

That drank the water

That quenched the fire

That burnt the stick

That beat the dog

That bit the cat

That ate the kid

My father bought for two zuzim

Chad gadya, chad gadya

Then came the Holy One, Blessed Be He

Who destroyed the Angel of Death

Who slayed the butcher that killed the ox

That drank the water

That quenched the fire

That burnt the stick

That beat the dog

That bit the cat

That ate the kid

My father bought for two zuzim

Chad gadya, chad gadya

Chad gadya, chad gadya

haggadah Section: Songs